Features Feature intro: smarter KYC process with proposal co-creation feature As with other ‘feature intro’ articles, we picked this feature to share more about because…SurerApril 21, 2022
Features Feature intro: Instant quote marketplace The Instant Quote Marketplace is one of our most popular features! For those who are…SurerApril 21, 2022
Features Feature intro: deal tracking and client management One of the problems intermediaries we spoke to shared with us was having to go…SurerApril 21, 2022
Resources Brand new Surer – what to expect! Since the launch of Surer about a year ago, the team has been hard at…SurerApril 18, 2022
Announcements Register your interest to The Digital Insurer’s SDI Programme! Surer is proud to be a learning partner to The Digital Insurer’s SDI (short for…SurerJanuary 10, 2022
CommentaryLifestyleProcess Efficiency Myths about business productivity solutions debunked Here at Surer, we pride ourselves on our solution to help General Insurance drive their…SurerNovember 29, 2021
LifestyleSales 6 Habits of highly effective General Insurance agents (and some motivational videos to boot!) Why do some agents constantly see success while others flounder? We have had the opportunity…SurerSeptember 23, 2021
In the news Interview with Asia Advisers Network: Technology and how advisers can leverage it to grow their general insurance business with Surer Excerpt The last time we spoke to Surer, they had just launched Instant Quote Marketplace,…SurerAugust 30, 2021
Commentary Why Insurers should look to supercharge intermediaries There has been this ongoing debate about InsurTech and how it might replace the intermediary.…SurerAugust 6, 2021
Process EfficiencySales Stop General Insurance business leakage! Many times, we do not realise a leaky bucket because we have the ability to…SurerJuly 17, 2021