Let’s face it. No one is spared from the Covid-19 pandemic. Okay, maybe Zoom was.
However, instead of cowering at the fact, General Insurance intermediaries have every opportunity to enhance their efficiency – now more than ever, is the time your clients need you maybe just, not face-to-face.
“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”
– Peter Drucker, father of modern management theory
We have heard many stories from our users about how they are combating the situation to stay productive and have been inspired to write this article to share a couple of tips to increase sales and business efficiencies.
1. Present your solutions with the client in mind
General Insurance policies are not the simplest to understand or digest. Which is why it is all the more important that you keep your client’s perspective in mind when presenting something to them.
During our user research for Surer, 9 out 10 consumers (i.e. clients of General Insurance agents) mentioned that the quotes that were presented to them were simply too difficult to digest.
Yes, the role of the General Insurance agent is to break this down to the client and help him understand the information. However, this should not be an excuse to not try to manage the presentation of quotes well.
Basically, in the current situation we are in, an agent might not have as easy an access to their clients, face-to-face, where they can then present and verbalise a quotation.
Having an easy to understand digital quote generated is one way to enhance your efficiency and as a first step to impressing your clients.
2. Goal setting and follow-up
You must be thinking this is one of those ‘tips’ that are a given. However, you will be surprised how many users were stumped when we asked them about their goals for the year.
Setting a goal as a salesperson can be a good motivator.
This not only entails ‘I want to make $1mil in commission by end of the year’
It is important to set both long and short term goals where short-term ones are ‘roofshots’.
Roofshots are goals that are realistic and achievable. This is slightly different from ‘moonshots’ which are stretch goals that you know you will need to stretch to achieve.
With each mini-milestones or roofshot conquered, your sense of accomplishment and achievement increases.
Surer has a sales tracking feature that allows you to track your progress – fuss free and easy to understand.
If you had set your goals well, you would be able to clearly look them them during this pandemic, and review your roofshots and taper expectations. This will give you even greater clarity on the direction you should then set for yourself.
3. Relook your target audience
Having a clear target audience for General Insurance agents very often means what kind of clients they want to go after.
Yes. This is something that is important. However, we want to inspire you to also think out-of-the-box on what other audiences can be a good income source as well.
Specifically, during this pandemic, is it now time to start expanding your network of other General Insurance agents, digitally, and think about opportunities in relation to referrals?
4. Leveraging technology
Use sales tools as a salesperson to increase your productivity.
Tools that have features to track your deals, to help communication and path planning can help you increase your productivity significantly.
Surer is a product that is designed specifically for the General Insurance industry to do just that and more.
Essentially, we are freeing up more of your time on management so you can spend more time on sales.
While we have shamelessly plugged our product wherever possible in this article, we are also committed to delivering on the value that we have mentioned.
The current pandemic is a timely reminder that sales efficiency can be very much elevated by the use of technology – which till now, is severely lacking in the General Insurance world.
Interested to get your hands on Surer to try it out for yourselves as well? Good news – we have a free-trial going on right now that you can quickly sign-up for here!
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