Updated on 28 June 2021… What is the grant about? What this means is: Timelines / Deadlines: Who is Eligible? *Eligibility and qualifying criteria applies – read on to find out more While the MAS Digital Acceleration Grant – General Insurance and Life Insurance Agencies of Licensed Financial Advisers or Licensed Life Insurers was first announced on 30 April, we also understand from our users that there are still a number of questions about it. Here’s a quick timeline of updates Surer has made on this topic since: Here is a breakdown of the difference and how it relates to you as a Surer subscriber: On the General Solutions list Not on General Solutions list No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Now that Surer is on the General Solutions list, the application process is a lot simpler! It also means that Surer has been reviewed by MAS and is now officially ‘recognised’ to be a solution that contributes to improvements in productivity, efficiency, risk management, operational resilience, or customer service for insurance intermediaries! Note: being on the General Solutions list does not equate to guaranteed co-funding from the grant – there are eligibility criteria to be met as well. Read on to have a full view of such or check out the MAS website for this. Given that Surer is now on the General Solutions list, eligible intermediaries now just need to ensure they have a paid Surer account by 30 June 2021. Thereafter, submit a General Solutions application form to DAG_GI@mas.gov.sg at the end of the funding period i.e. latest by 31 December 2021. This may sound daunting, but it is really is not that difficult! Regardless, we have dedicated team members waiting to assist you on it. Below is a recap of information that was shared on 28 May 2021 on the MAS Digital Acceleration Grant – read on or check out MAS website, to get a good understanding of how this grant can help supercharge your digital transformation journey! First thing’s first, here are a couple of key eligibility criteria to keep in mind. To help you better understand the application process, here’s a simple flow chart diagram: What is more important is that time is running tight if you are an eligible intermediary looking to leverage this grant to accelerate digital transformation. Below is an overview of such: In terms of deadlines, the important things to note are as follow: — This is a great initiative from MAS to help insurance intermediaries supercharge their digital transformation journey – we sincerely encourage all eligible intermediaries, regardless if it is for the purpose of using Surer or not, to check this out and leverage it! It is fuss-free. No credit card or payment required.
Surer is now on the General Solutions list for the MAS Digital Acceleration Grant for insurance intermediaries!
IMPORTANT: If you have not already subscribed – do so before 30 June 2021 to be eligible!
What is the difference, if Surer is on the General Solutions list or not?
Need to submit IPA
Need to wait for approval of IPA
Need to submit a Non-General Solutions application form after using Surer for a minimum of 6 consecutive months by 31 December 2021
Need to submit the General Solutions application form after using Surer for a minimum of 6 consecutive months by 31 December 2021
Subscribe to Surer by 30 June 2021 to be eligible for application of the grant!
To get assistance from our dedicated concierge team, simply drop us a text via whatsapp now or fill out this form and we will get in touch with you asap!
Key eligibility criteria
Flow chart on application process
Key deadlines
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