We understand how two things in the proposal creation process can be very tedious In this video tutorial article, we share how you can make use of our Proposal Co-creation feature as part of your proposal form filling and KYC process with your client all at one go! In this feature intro article, we shared how many of our users have used our Proposal Co-creation feature to send their clients product specific forms to share their information on. Essentially, sending them a proposal form to fill out to the best of their knowledge! Here is a video tutorial to show you how you can do so! We understand how it is hugely painful to create a proposal form and then get interrupted by loss of internet connection or similar issue and having to recreate a proposal all over again. On Surer, we save your proposals as a draft every 3 seconds! Here is a video tutorial on how this works. It is fuss-free. No credit card or payment required.
Proposal Co-creation
DraftsOther related Video Tutorial Guides:
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