One of the key features that many intermediaries we spoke to wanted to see was one that could act like a personal assistant. Your wish is our command. Here’s an overview of what your digital personal assistant does and tracks… Your digital personal assistant will prompt you on key tasks you have to complete – from policy renewal, to when you received a new quote for an insurance proposal, to reminding you of your client’s birthday! Here’s a full list of tasks that will be tracked: Relating to proposals: Relating to policies: Relating to agents in your Referral Circle and your clients in your Client Directory Intermediaries do crazy amounts of work in a day and sometimes, we forget what we did or did not do for a particular deal or client. With the activity tracker, your digital personal assistant will keep track of all the key activities you have done. It’s as good as asking a PA ‘eh, have I submitted the proposal for the client?’ and getting an immediate answer! Here’s a full list of activities that will be tracked: Relating to proposals: Relating to agents in your Referral Circle, your clients in your Client Directory and your Underwriters Relating to policies: We know of many intermediaries who set sales goals for themselves. Your digital personal assistant will track your sales, in terms of GWP you have produced, and give you an instant overview of where you are in a given month, past 6 months or past 12 months. Most of the key outstanding tasks will trigger an email notification sent to your inbox. If you access the task directly from the email, the outstanding task will then be dismissed. You can also click into each of these tasks on your dashboard – this will take you to the specific screen where that particular task needs to be completed. For example, when you are prompted with a task to check out a quote that was received and to share it with your client, clicking on this task takes you straight to the quotation that was received! Remember to always check all tabs on your Outstanding Tasks tracker. Having an empty tracker means you can have peace of mind! Here’s a short video demo of how your digital personal assistant works! Like what you see? It is fuss-free. No credit card or payment required.Your very own Digital Personal Assistant
Outstanding Tasks Tracker
Recent Activities Tracker
Sales Tracker
Making full use of your Digital Personal Assistant
Video demo of how the Digital Personal Assistant works
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